Living Inside the Rainbow

A Special Note From Our Founder.

Just as with our Every quarter E-newsletter this Weekly Motivator Blog will begin to share insights about how to improve our communities and your personal health by loving well and giving in today’s changing world.   Our tips can help you be your best while we purpose to hear, assist, learn, prevent and restore children, victims, lives, communities and all of us effected by human rights issues, TIP (trafficking in persons) and other forms of human injustice.

We also share fascinating, current topics that serve your personal growth and potential as an #EmpoweredChampion. People find, our "Community Rejuvenation Strategies" are keys for promoting what is truly "loving our neighbor",  plus, wellness and balancing how we are Empowered as Champions.

The launching of a new global campaign to combat specifics of Human Trafficking as well as tackle the issue of Demand, is coming very very soon! 

Our New Website and Logo also coming soon!

The New Book Living Inside the Rainbow: Winning the Battlefield of the Mind After Human Trafficking and Mental Bondage.



The new site for the More Too Life resource - a new self-help read from Dr. Brook Bello will be available to purchase for a donation of $21.00 (this includes shipping) note that all  - that's 100% of proceeds of first 10,000 above cost, go to give life to children and women at More Too Life and other orgs around the country.  

You can order the new book at our site in only 7 days!!!! but it is already available on AMAZON.

We currently are working with many, including those that by God's grace we have rescued who are struggling to pick up life and live past the ills of extreme trauma. 

Our hope is that while you give above your donation for this book, that you would also be  enlightened, illuminated and broaden even more beyond your understanding of the victory and new life that can be found after any type of abuse or addiction. 


Overview: Living Inside the Rainbow: Winning the Battlefield of the Mind After Human Trafficking and Mental Bondage is a riveting chronicle of Brook Parker Bello's journey, surviving child sex-slavery, a form of human trafficking. Pornography, pedophilia, fear, worry, suicide, doubt, confusion, depression, sexual exploitation, parenting challenges, anger, ego and identity, buyers and demand of trafficking victims, feelings of self loathing and loneliness are often related to exposures growing up as children and are ultimately part of our heart and mind which is actually, according to science and God, one in the same in many ways. Human trafficking is a product of root issues unresolved and the victims suffer but also the predators as bondage after physical often go unnoticed, as it is the bondage of the mind that lingers long after physical rescue from captivity. With judgment, comes discrimination and with it comes loss of compassion, and this is often the case for victims of HT who are broken, lost and cast aside by society, or the identification of their victimization unnoticed by community and family. If readers suffer from misunderstanding what all of this means and how a victim can transform to a champion and forgive the predators, they can take heart! Brook Bello has a unique way of teaching and sharing and has helped many overcome these abusive crimes or assist some one else in helping a loved one find their path to wholeness. 


This beloved advocate, minister and now author shows readers how to change their lives by learning and loving and being personally empowered to celebrate life by altering their hearts and minds. She covers: • Freedom from bondage 
• Awareness and prevention
 • Why heart healing is often stunted in these types of cases
 • How to treat the root and not just the symptoms of the pain it causes • What can be done to combat various facets of modern day slavery
 • She teaches how to receive healing and live life to the fullest by saving lives, giving back something great and learning that mental bondage is suffered by many and when we are free to understand who we are, our ability to be a part of the eradication of modern day slavery and other society ills and the answers is a prayer away. Brook believes that ultimately that men of honor and healthy fathers will be a huge part of that answer. She shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own life that led her to beautiful, life-transforming honesty along the way. 


What Others are Saying:  

"I thank God for the power, strength, and courage of the life force that is Brook Bello. We are on the planet to use our gifts--our pain and suffering--to being wholly transparent. We literally breathe life into others when we share our stories with one another. It is the essence of healing--and the only way we can know we are not alone. Thank you, Brook, for standing and living in God's grace. Living Inside the Rainbow reminds me of words of Edmund Burke...'All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men remain silent and do nothing.' Your book is a clarion call for us to use our voices to put an end to human trafficking." Terrie M. Williams, Author Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting "Living Inside the Rainbow is about God's promise of restoration." Dr. Beverly "Bam" Crawford Founder and Pastor of Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church "This book will be powerfully freeing and enlightening." Pastor David Anderson Author, Radio Host, and Church "Living Inside the Rainbow is a 'must read' for those who hate evil and want to learn how to help eradicate the human trafficking industry." Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner President, Skinner Leadership "Brook Bello reveals her own life's journey of God's Amazing Faithfulness and Grace. Life is a gift...a gift of grace. Brook moves from trauma to wholeness. Literally from Grace to Grace."Dr. Carroll A Baltimore.
