Troubled Waters Subside

New AUDIO Motivator Enjoy and Listen by Cliciking Here As the parting of the red sea by Gods magnificent hand - troubled waters in our hearts subside from storms of chaos to calm and the clarity of hindsight reveals their purpose. Upcoming Events: Join the fight to end modern day slavery by signing up for Team Courtney's House at the 2012 SMS Walk ! When: Saturday, September 29 Where: National Mall From victim to survivor is what I mean when I say of my own life and those who come out of abuse what happens overtime when we seek total wholeness. I recently had the blessing to speak before some politicians, various leaders and heads of companies in Washington DC. I must say it was incredible and many are really pressing forward to combat Human-Trafficking and other forms of human rights monstrosities in the USA and abroad and I am on board completely... Quick Thought: In my Documentary film I was quo...