Coming Out of Anguish by Knowing the Truth

DON'T FEEL LIKE READING TODAY - Be Read To. NARRATED AUDIO BLOG - CLICK HERE AND ENJOY! Coming out of Anguish does not have to be a secret when we embrace the truth of where we've been and where we know by Faith we are going. It is a bit of a quandary to be dressed for where you are going and desire to go in life and be doubled over, crouched in a corner, chair, sofa or elsewhere with a secret anguish that comes in like a ton of bricks and tries to tell you that you are not worthy. Thoughts of suicide, getting high, running away again - and again - and again... Screech... @##^$^%..... No way. (p.s I was not cursing but simply speaking with passion). Are we worthy to be counted amongst the accomplished, successful beautiful people? But who determines beauty and who determines success? This my survivor friends is the question. Is it the media mogul of entertainment of the gross national product of whatever - and the way that men (and we've allowed it) say what...