Sex-Slavery Now: It's Time To Turn The Tide by More Too Life's by Brook Bello

Thank you to the 57 countries that read this blog. I know I have been away for a bit but wow! It has been very busy at our center with all that we at More Too Life do at our Sarasota Victim Services, Social Justice | Anti Slavery Rescue and Awareness Center. By amazing grace a shorter version of this article be be found on as I wrote it for their site and the UN portal that they are also in. I was grateful to them and their staff at the OLP Foundation and for all the work and impactful information related to the issue at hand. Sex-Slavery Now: It's Time To Turn The Tide Follow us on Twitter @BrookBello @RealMoreTooLife Coming out of the pain of being a victim of human trafficking or being a buyer and longing to stop exploiting/raping women and children does not have to be a secret when we embrace the truth of where we've been . But we need to get to that broad place of emotional and psychological w...