Yes Men Are Important But Do They Understand What That Means?

DON'T FEEL LIKE READING? AUDIO BLOG CLICK HERE AND ENJOY! Brook Bello Shares her story and More Too Life and the film SURVIVOR with Host Sandra Bookman in This weeks episode of "Here and Now" airing Sunday. 03/10/13 at 12PM On WAPC-TV and Online at M en are so important but do they understand just how much? And unless they do it's like digging for gold in a minefield ... I start the Weekly Motivator with you because it is you who have reached back and our regular readers from the following countries, thank for listening in the US, Cameroon, Bahamas , and new this 2 weeks is, " K uwait" "Malaysia" "Hong K ong" "Iraq", and "Portugal", Philippines , India , Bulgaria, New Zealand, Finland, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Ukraine, France, China, India, Spain, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Canada, Switzerland, Jordan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Slova...