Yes Men Are Important But Do They Understand What That Means?
Brook Bello Shares her story and More Too Life and the
film SURVIVOR with Host Sandra Bookman in This weeks
episode of "Here and Now" airing Sunday. 03/10/13 at 12PM
On WAPC-TV and Online at
Men are so important but do they understand just how much? And unless they do it's like digging for gold in a minefield...

More About Survivor Brook Bello who has fought hard to also show other survivors that they still have a right and passion to achevie dreams long forgotten. As we assist others we also show them that they to can fight with their non-profits and also fulfill other life's goals, like marriage, education, career and more, Click Here!
VIDEO OF More Too Life's Brook Bello with Rebecca Project for Human Rights Calls for Arrest of Joris Demmink NYC US House of Rep Resolution Passed After This Event. RP for Human Rights is a wonderful Org that also fights for the rights of others! For Copy of Resolution Please email

Please Support Sports for Freedom! Amazing Group of Heroes!
Girls, and women need their fathers, we love our fathers so very much and something is profoundly lost when a father isn't there but when he is abusive, all the more illness can set in, even if he is someone else's. When you were created for strength, beauty and leadership and you try and function as the opposite, it's like a car trying to fly - - it's lost it's purpose or never knew it...
Wives need their husbands, husbands need their brothers and brothers need their fellow accountable friends and the fight against human-trafficking and child sex-slavery needs you... But what happens if none really stand up against the odds of destruction? What happens when not enough stand for the balance compass, the moral conscious of simply this... ...Right and wrong.
And don't worry, I will get to the part-- next time, that speaks of the importance of women, and also the mothers, whose daughters I mentor and counsel who were raped and molested in their mothers, families house by daddy and after 10 years said she didn't have a clue? When all we do is boast of our unique female gifting of superior discernment and albeit, "woman's intuition." Look, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just sayin?
And don't worry, I will get to the part-- next time, that speaks of the importance of women, and also the mothers, whose daughters I mentor and counsel who were raped and molested in their mothers, families house by daddy and after 10 years said she didn't have a clue? When all we do is boast of our unique female gifting of superior discernment and albeit, "woman's intuition." Look, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just sayin?
It is only the royalty of fools that makes no sense. The realm of the ego, the stuffed up unrelenting ego. The one that lives inside of the bubble of pride, forsaking all others whilst appearing to be the king pin, lover of all, chip off of the old block, womanizer and control freak disguised as protector of arms and ever so gallant shield. These are the characters of a trafficker by the way, a pimp, or just a man who has lost and/or sadly enough has never ever known his value and may not care but this is for the ones that do. Let me share that there is nothing more profound than a Father who is there. It is not brawn I am speaking of nor muscles of steel. I am speaking of men. In my book, "To Soar Without Leaving The Ground" I have a poem entitled "Fathers" and in the poem I speak about the fact that a woman could have the most sophisticated alarm system known to human-kind with bells and whistles to boot. But in no wise would it compare, "to a father that is there..." And cool enough, when a man is being who God created him to be, all he has to do is walk through the door! He just has to try... From the film Jerry Macguire - she said, "you had me at hello." That my brothers is our innate faith in you and our hope that you show up for the fight.
Mr., beau, boyfriend, brother, father, fellow, gentleman, grandfather, guy, he, husband, nephew, papa, sir, son, spouse, uncle.
We could speak for hours on what the defination of a "fully grown person" is, but I think some of us have an idea,. Even if some find it hard to execute or they just really don't know because they didn't see it growing up, we know that a child becomes what they see. So. what do we see now and who do we desire to be if in a perfect world? Because that is the world we are striving for here, not perfect, as in without fault, but as in striving to be our best. Benjamin Franklin said, "good better best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best." We have to reach for the very best. It's tough, but while we are pulling our kids out of hell, brothels, locked hotel rooms, suburban homes that appear normal but arn't, escort services, street corners, baby farms, distorted foster care (when it's bad - not all), homeless shelters, false imprisonment, and everywhere else our babies and women don't belong - we might as well try.
You see, men are... simply by God's given ability given to them, possessed with a certain and specific leadership and royaltly quality that when discovered and activated for good creates great nations and kingdoms to flourish. And when they hurt women in anyway they themselves die (there are all types of deaths) and when they attack that which they are to protect, they lose all life and sustenance of purpose and further down they tread.
I imagine there was a time when men were reminded of how to treat ladies, how to care for them. Then, when they got to be fathers, they had an inkling of how to help raise them. How to love their wives as well. The wealthiest man that ever lived, King Solomon, put it this way, "under the sun, all is vanity." He wasn't saying that there is no good in the earth but rather where our focus is because he had done it all. Is our focus on our lower nature and things of the earth or are they on things high, things above? Which in turn will assist us in walking in the wisdom to handle things in the earth.
I do not think there is any such woman.
A halter pardon him! and hell gnaw his bones!
Why should he call her whore? who keeps her company?
"Yes, a dozen; and as many to the vantage as would
store the world they played for.
But I do think it is their husbands' faults
If wives do fall: say that they slack their duties,
And pour our treasures into foreign laps,
Or else break out in peevish jealousies,
Throwing restraint upon us; or say they strike us,
Or scant our former having in despite;
Why, we have galls, and though we have some grace,
Yet have we some revenge. Let husbands know
Their wives have sense like them: they see and smell
And have their palates both for sweet and sour,
As husbands have. What is it that they do
When they change us for others? Is it sport?
I think it is: and doth affection breed it?
I think it doth: is't frailty that thus errs?
It is so too: and have not we affections,
Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?
Then let them use us well: else let them know,
The ills we do, their ills instruct us so."

MTL Milestones MUCH LOVE!!!!
She is opening the Drop in center for victims of human-trafficking and rape opening April or May 2013 with (Sarasota, Clearwater, Tampa).
Brook is booked for much of 2013 as she teaches on the plight of child-sex slavery and her unique and vital explanation of the neurological, heart, mind and emotional psychosis and how in the brains ability to evolve by plasticity we can change and get beyond grave emotional trauma and stress formed from abuse, over time.
The International AKA sorority named there new initiative M.I.N.D.S after watching Brook speak and hearing her speak about her specific work! It was Assistant Attorney General Soror Leyser Hayes of Mississippi, who first saw Brook speak at the Congressional Black Caucus with Barbara A Perkins of the International Black Women's Public Policy Institute.
More Too Life, Inc and Brook has partnered with the International Black Women's Public Policy Institute and organization run by Brook's mentor Barbara A Perkins.
More Too Life, Inc and Brook has partnered with Courtney's House and Tina Frundt who is part of her advisory board.
MTL, Inc, and Brook Bello has also partnered with the The Rebecca Project for Human Rights. with
More Too Life, Inc and Brook has partnered with Courtney's House and Tina Frundt who is part of her advisory board.
MTL, Inc, and Brook Bello has also partnered with the The Rebecca Project for Human Rights. with
She has garnered the attention and support of an international law firm who is currently Pro-bono.
With Them (Rebecca Project for Human Rights she assisted by using her voice in NYC in the US House of Reps passing of Resolution in a high profile case with accusations against an accused pedophile in a government position in the Netherlands.
She has a night time an anytime street outreach to children and women in the streets of Florida with 3 volunteers.
She has made international news in magazines and television doing exactly what she has set out to do and that is teach others about what it takes to heal and how to teach about prevention and causes of child-sex slavery. Brook will also soon be interviewed on ABC TV as well as other news media outlets.
She has been seen in international publications such as the AP press in France and EBONY and ESSENCE magazines in the USA as well as over 3 dozen various paper and online publications.
She fought past her past and made a film that has garnered distribution to let other survivors and victims of abuse to know that their hopes and aspirations whatever they are can be reached. That their true identities will be discovered as they reach to wholeness with the help of others.
There are other milestones that Brook with the help of others has accomplished, too many to name but two other important to her his her 20120 ordination by Dr, Beverly Bam Crawford an international leader and Pastor in Los Angeles.
With Them (Rebecca Project for Human Rights she assisted by using her voice in NYC in the US House of Reps passing of Resolution in a high profile case with accusations against an accused pedophile in a government position in the Netherlands.
She has a night time an anytime street outreach to children and women in the streets of Florida with 3 volunteers.
She has made international news in magazines and television doing exactly what she has set out to do and that is teach others about what it takes to heal and how to teach about prevention and causes of child-sex slavery. Brook will also soon be interviewed on ABC TV as well as other news media outlets.
She has been seen in international publications such as the AP press in France and EBONY and ESSENCE magazines in the USA as well as over 3 dozen various paper and online publications.
She fought past her past and made a film that has garnered distribution to let other survivors and victims of abuse to know that their hopes and aspirations whatever they are can be reached. That their true identities will be discovered as they reach to wholeness with the help of others.
There are other milestones that Brook with the help of others has accomplished, too many to name but two other important to her his her 20120 ordination by Dr, Beverly Bam Crawford an international leader and Pastor in Los Angeles.
$150.000.00 more to cover remaining the basic costs of running the drop in center and the outreach for 2 years, the national average is 170.00.00 per year with in-kind services. Pay the moderate salary of MTL's full time Director of Operations of programs and more Diana Perez- Soto (former intake officer of World relief Human-Trafficking Division), Two new MAC computers for the purpose of unique clinics, in-kind services of all kinds including food, female toiletry items, books, DVD player, Television and donated or low fee scale outsourced psychotherapist via SYYPE sessions or Local in Florida (Tampa, Clearwater, Sarasota), the donation of a small house for the More Too Life, Above The Noise Restoration House a 7 bed facility, as well as the assistance for in house phone wiring, media center, paint and etc for the drop in center. We are also in need of a van and sponsored field trips.
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