July 6th-12 HOPE Series
When we lower our standards of dreaming and the pure potentiality of who we know we can become and what we can accomplish - because of our history - we defer our hope. In the Last Weekly Motivator - we spoke about; when Hope is Deferred... (past tense of de·fer (Verb) Put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone). My healing has taken a very long time and it has come in stages but I also realize that it can come quicker and did when I OWNED my true feelings and horrific experiences, shared them and began to emotionally heal on a whole other level. I no longer desired to defer my life long dreams, desires and potential future. Nor was I willing to let the fairly new culture of ageism or many ideas of current social pop culture and the likes to cause me to feel like a “has been.” Whether, younger, young or mature, no one should allow that “effervescent bubbling over of the hearts desires to fade away because of stereotypes or any other reaso...