Be Read to: Audio Version by Clicking Here There is life after death... Even now... On this Easter Sunday which represents and celebrates one Jewish Rabbi named Jesus the Christ. Yeshuh! As the crowd shouted Hosanna! which means save us! ... I remember all of the children and women locked in houses of bondage around the world and my heart cries out. I also think of those there are locked up albeit in their MINDS as I once was both and my heart cries out, "Hosanna"! I do realize that in this cry, I am seeking as many of you guidance and strength for the tasks at hand. I know that it is "Finished" shouted Yeshuh before He gave up His spirit unto glory. Thus with the help of God we will do our part here and now to fight, and win this battle in God's strength and His divine and omniscient wisdom! Thank for listening in the US, Belize, Brazil, Georgia (Eurasia), Saint Lucia, Ecuador, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Bulgaria, New Zealand,...