Troubled Waters Subside
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From victim to survivor is what I mean when I say of my own life and those who come out of abuse what happens overtime when we seek total wholeness. I recently had the blessing to speak before some politicians, various leaders and heads of companies in Washington DC. I must say it was incredible and many are really pressing forward to combat Human-Trafficking and other forms of human rights monstrosities in the USA and abroad and I am on board completely...
Quick Thought:
In my Documentary film I was quoted as saying,
...There are others I spoke with here back at home and heard of that have huge funds that go to administration costs and their programs are geared only around some awareness and a lot of talking about the issue but not the healing of victims at the core and we need both. I asked someone who phoned me from a company here that saw my website a simple question. They spoke of all they are doing and I said wow - great! As they came up for air I asked - "what are you doing for victims and survivors or have in the works?" And their long stream turned into a pause of "nothing really - we are mostly geared towards making people aware."Now, awareness is incredible and NEEDED!!! But when large funds go to orgs/ngos that do not work also in the healing and/or rescuing/reaching out to victims - so that they not only grow to be survivors in addition to the ongoing programs for survivors who are fighting to discover their identity and deal with the rest of their lives and begin to thrive in life then what's the point? As in today's society assisting in the healing of others is a full time passion and albeit even when we give of our financial rescues to assist those doing this work. My funding efforts are for just that, awareness education - restoration and transformation for victims to survivors. In addition, young adult males who need a safe place to share that they are dealing with the issue of pedophilia etc but haven't acted on it and maybe we can assist them in getting on the road to recovery. Note that, survivors as they grow will be the counsel to children right now and those yet to be born. As told to me recently "survivors are the experts."
I know first-hand that the healing process from the "soul-assassination" (the coined phrase from my heart) that occurs when a child boy or girl and a young woman has their womb pillaged over and over again.
Personally as a survivor I do not know where I would be without God and help from and the awareness and healing aspects. What this organization has done is assist me in having a voice and offering private counsel. So that this part of my healing journey is polished more and more so that the hurdles that needed to be leaped over to reach back and pass the baton so that other victims can begin to reign in life and obtain peace and destiny can take place. Yes, awareness and Yes healing as well! "
Good better best never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best."
I understand the way that a young mind is controlled and a soul robbed doesn't always appear violent if there is no blood, cutting or it is not a 5 year old child involved but children grow. And to molest someone of innocence and cripple their mind (and in the Greek the same word for heart is "The Mind" and current science has determined that our hearts are indeed a MINI Brain) is even more violent and also a strategic and planned attack on someones life, identity, gifts, dreams, purposes and destiny. As you do not need to beat a brain with fists to control it - you just need to deceitfully attack that mind when a person is still in the process of developing, (0-24 years of age).
Quotes this week:
"Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Science without humanity. Knowledge without character. Politics without principle. Commerce without morality. Worship without sacrifice. Are all deadly”
My question is who will say to the father, brother, uncle, family friend, man and woman that just because you have a vile desire to hurt an innocent child by raping, molesting, selling, and abusing in any form doesn't mean you have to act on it! YOU CAN CHOOSE TO GET HELP!!!
"As adults we play a role in abuse...and if you are not protecting children, you are neglecting them AND THAT IS ABUSE." anonymous quote
The troubled waters that are caused in the soul/brain of a victim are what I experienced and the violent thoughts of suicide I once had when the loathing and disgusts that is/was implanted in myself or a victim from the many pillagers, rapist, traffickers, monsters and pedophiles of my innocence and other babies, children, teens and the 18 and over adults that never got help but are now on the street lost, has taken me my life to heal from and will take them sometime as well and sometimes they don't - heal that is.
A radical quote from? "If women want any rights more than they's got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it. "
I realize we have to walk in love always and be gentle but after all - she does have a point. I guess as long as we take what is ours in love, without judging others by assisting in the changing of laws, by voting as NO VOTE - NO VOICE and in celebrating the freedom we do have we are doing just that. Celebrate the 150 years of the emancipation proclamation by doing whatever you can in Stopping Modern Day Slavery. Support
And become a member of ibwppi and let your voice be heard.
Children of the Night
Roxbury Youthworks - A Way Back (AWB)
Letot Center/Catholic Charities of Dallas
Center to End Adolescent Sexual Exploitation (CEASE)
As the parting of the red sea by Gods magnificent hand - troubled waters in our hearts subside from storms of chaos to calm and the clarity of hindsight reveals their purpose.
Upcoming Events:
Join the fight to end modern day slavery
by signing up for Team Courtney's House at the
2012 SMS Walk !
When: Saturday, September 29
Where: National Mall
by signing up for Team Courtney's House at the
2012 SMS Walk !
When: Saturday, September 29
Where: National Mall

Quick Thought:
In my Documentary film I was quoted as saying,
"Sex-Slavery" " is an extraordinary, murder and crippling of the spirit." And the issues of violence don't always produce (outside of the womb that is) cuts, and blood but it is always VIOLENT. It is all extremely violent, thus rape can NEVER be redefined and I will explain in a moment.
...There are others I spoke with here back at home and heard of that have huge funds that go to administration costs and their programs are geared only around some awareness and a lot of talking about the issue but not the healing of victims at the core and we need both. I asked someone who phoned me from a company here that saw my website a simple question. They spoke of all they are doing and I said wow - great! As they came up for air I asked - "what are you doing for victims and survivors or have in the works?" And their long stream turned into a pause of "nothing really - we are mostly geared towards making people aware."Now, awareness is incredible and NEEDED!!! But when large funds go to orgs/ngos that do not work also in the healing and/or rescuing/reaching out to victims - so that they not only grow to be survivors in addition to the ongoing programs for survivors who are fighting to discover their identity and deal with the rest of their lives and begin to thrive in life then what's the point? As in today's society assisting in the healing of others is a full time passion and albeit even when we give of our financial rescues to assist those doing this work. My funding efforts are for just that, awareness education - restoration and transformation for victims to survivors. In addition, young adult males who need a safe place to share that they are dealing with the issue of pedophilia etc but haven't acted on it and maybe we can assist them in getting on the road to recovery. Note that, survivors as they grow will be the counsel to children right now and those yet to be born. As told to me recently "survivors are the experts."
On the other hand victims who do not get help can become the perpetrator.
I know first-hand that the healing process from the "soul-assassination" (the coined phrase from my heart) that occurs when a child boy or girl and a young woman has their womb pillaged over and over again.
Personally as a survivor I do not know where I would be without God and help from and the awareness and healing aspects. What this organization has done is assist me in having a voice and offering private counsel. So that this part of my healing journey is polished more and more so that the hurdles that needed to be leaped over to reach back and pass the baton so that other victims can begin to reign in life and obtain peace and destiny can take place. Yes, awareness and Yes healing as well! "
Good better best never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best."
I understand the way that a young mind is controlled and a soul robbed doesn't always appear violent if there is no blood, cutting or it is not a 5 year old child involved but children grow. And to molest someone of innocence and cripple their mind (and in the Greek the same word for heart is "The Mind" and current science has determined that our hearts are indeed a MINI Brain) is even more violent and also a strategic and planned attack on someones life, identity, gifts, dreams, purposes and destiny. As you do not need to beat a brain with fists to control it - you just need to deceitfully attack that mind when a person is still in the process of developing, (0-24 years of age).
Terrie Williams in her book "Black Pain" states that "It only looks like we are not hurting." Just because a small child, or a 16 year-old female or male LOOKS like they are not hurting, is for sale on the street, is in your own home being molested and brainwashed by family friends, fathers, uncles, brothers and the likes and hasn't runaway doesn't mean that even they are not hurting, scared, brainwashed and so on.
Quotes this week:
"Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Science without humanity. Knowledge without character. Politics without principle. Commerce without morality. Worship without sacrifice. Are all deadly”
Mahatma Gandhi
My question is who will say to the father, brother, uncle, family friend, man and woman that just because you have a vile desire to hurt an innocent child by raping, molesting, selling, and abusing in any form doesn't mean you have to act on it! YOU CAN CHOOSE TO GET HELP!!!
"As adults we play a role in abuse...and if you are not protecting children, you are neglecting them AND THAT IS ABUSE." anonymous quote
The troubled waters that are caused in the soul/brain of a victim are what I experienced and the violent thoughts of suicide I once had when the loathing and disgusts that is/was implanted in myself or a victim from the many pillagers, rapist, traffickers, monsters and pedophiles of my innocence and other babies, children, teens and the 18 and over adults that never got help but are now on the street lost, has taken me my life to heal from and will take them sometime as well and sometimes they don't - heal that is.
I just started to understand what it means to live and the sooner someone if freed and if over 24 the sooner they get extreme help and share their story - the troubled waters will have opportunity to subside. And little but little the layers of that false identity, personality, character and point of view about oneself and the world around them shift into promise, purpose and destiny.
A radical quote from? "If women want any rights more than they's got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it. "
- Sojourner Truth
I realize we have to walk in love always and be gentle but after all - she does have a point. I guess as long as we take what is ours in love, without judging others by assisting in the changing of laws, by voting as NO VOTE - NO VOICE and in celebrating the freedom we do have we are doing just that. Celebrate the 150 years of the emancipation proclamation by doing whatever you can in Stopping Modern Day Slavery. Support
And become a member of ibwppi and let your voice be heard.
following resources are anti-human trafficking organizations if you
would like to add an organization to the list please email request to
Catholic Charities DIGNITY House
Phoenix, AZ
24-Hour Intake Line: 602.486.4973
Phone: 602.224.5457
Children of the Night
Los Angeles, CA
Hotline: 1.800.551.1300
Phone: 818.908.4474
Washington, DC
Phone: 202-265-2505
George P. Scotlan Youth and Family Center
(Sexually Exploited Minors Program)
Oakland, CA
Phone: 510.832.4546
Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting, and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth (MISSEY, Inc)
Oakland, CA
Phone: 510.267.8840
Bilateral Safety Corridor Commission (BSCC)
San Diego, CA
Hotline: 619.666.2757
Phone: 619. 336.0770
Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE)
San Francisco, CA
Intake Line for Youth Services (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm): 415.358.2727
Intake Line for Youth Services (After hours/ Weekends): 415.595.5403
Phone: 415.905.5050
Paul and Lisa Program
Westbrook, CT
Hotline: 800.518.2238
Phone: 860.767.7660
Polaris Project
Washington, DC
Hotline: 888.229.3339
Phone: 202.745.1008
Massachusetts Home for Little Wonderers
Boston, MA
Phone: 888.HOME.321
Roxbury Youthworks - A Way Back (AWB)
Boston, MA
Phone: 617.445.5500
Alternatives for Girls
Detroit, MI
Crisis Line: 888.AFG.3919
Phone: 313.361.4000
Breaking Free
St. Paul, MN
Phone: 651.645.6557
Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS)
New York, NY
Phone: 212.926.8089
Second Chance
Toledo, OH
Crisis Line: 888.897.3232
Phone: 419.244.6050
Wake Up Youth
Toledo, OH
24-Hour Crisis Line: 419.870.4402
Phone: 419.244.8911
Letot Center/Catholic Charities of Dallas
Dallas, Texas
Letot Center Phone: 214.357.9818
Catholic Charities Phone: 214.520.6590
Catholic Charities Website:
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
Alexandria, VA
Hotline: 800.THE.LOST / 800.843.5678
Phone: 723.274.3900
Restoration Ministries
Washington, DC
Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking (FCAHT)
Toll Free Number: 888.630.3350
Intake Line: 866.446.5600
Naples: 239.390.3350
Jacksonville: 904.384.0961
Tampa: 727.446.4177 ext 115
Shalimar: 850.651.2593
Miami: 305.547.1557
Orlando: 321.848.2202
Center to End Adolescent Sexual Exploitation (CEASE)
Atlanta, GA
Intake Line: 404.224.4415 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
Phone: 404.224.4415
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless - Prostitution Alternatives Roundtable Chicago, IL
Phone: 312.435.4548
The Salvation Army Partnership to Rescue Minors from Sexual Exploitation (PROMISE)
Chicago, IL
Emergency Hotline: 877.606.3158
Veronica's Voice
Kansas City, KA and servicing Missouri
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 816.728.0004
Phone Number: 816.483.7101
You Are Never Alone (YANA)
Baltimore, MD
Hotline: 410.905.5839
Phone: 410.566.7973
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Please post your thoughts and questions here. Thank you. Youthiasm Ministries