More Too Life

I often stare at this logo as I am laying on my bed. As I stare off into this beautiful gift designed by Kenneth Ussenko on my behalf, I think about God, I ponder what I have been delivered and freed from physically and mentally by His "amazing grace."

Thank for listening in Algeria, Mauritius, Philippines,  Armenia, US, Belize, Brazil, Georgia (Eurasia), Saint Lucia, Ecuador, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Bulgaria, New Zealand, Finland, South Africa,  Iraq, Australia, Cambodia,  Germany, Sweden, Israel, Ukraine, France, China, India, Spain, Poland,  Russia, South Korea, Canada, Switzerland, Jordan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Slovakia, Romania, Vietnam,  The Netherlands, Turkey, Thailand, Kenya,  United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Bahrain thank you for reading and allowing this to be part of your healing and awareness journey. I do not take it lightly and appreciate all you do for me and more importantly for those who need you right now!

I'm teary eyed in a flash for as I think of my own redemption of life I think of the many others who are locked in bondage, be it mentally or physically as, "Michelle, Gina and Amanda" who recently escaped a horrid hell hole in "Cleveland, Oho." A hell hole as many right here in the streets, houses, rural, urban and everywhere in America and around the world, a hellhole that people walked by for 10 years without ever skipping a beat.  And if someone did have an inkling, they didn't stop to investigate.  I think of one of the girls I mentor now and am an advocate for who was raped and sodomized at a very young age. A brilliant girl who is uncertain of the ground she treads albeit because someone she loved who should have cared for her raped her, over and over and over and over and over and over and over an over and over and over and over and over, again. Sex is one thing and this isn't that.  I don't even like the term "sex" slavery because it's not....  yet it is slavery, a very gruesome pillaging,  of the worst kind and the most damaging according to many doctors that can me done to a child or individual.

On the other side of it, I find that even in the most gruesome of circumstances, there is and can be "More Too Life."  As most survivors I've met, are true heroes and do desire to get past it, somehow, someday,  and fulfill a life that they can and have only dreamed about... There really is More for us because that's why we're here  in the first place,  but the more, is deeper and more profound than we often realize. 

I'm on the path by the Grace extended toward me by God's love to assist me in living again, if ever I did,  and thriving for the first time, that I am able to assist others and that is what More Too Life is all about.  

There is More Too Life for all of us! But one thing that is an uncanny oddity is that we cannot fight evil with anger,  placation,  sarcasms, big 'I's" and little "you's" or any such thing,  only Love can do that and it must be at the forefront, ist Corinthians 13. 

I also believe that the many survivors and victims not yet released need to see and sense us love, they need to know as I did that love actually exist and is a very real and tangible experience.  It's unfortunate that some have taken the evil so called business (of which it is not, nor ever was a business or an industry, of Human-Trafficking because that-that kills, robs, stills and destroys is not an industry but rather a murderous crime) with very little knowledge and are pursuing to fight it with out first understanding it, really understanding it. 

I do realize that some are pursuing to alter this former state of mind and that's good.  But I still, as a survivor experience as others that "yes, you are the experts, so tell us of everything you know so we can go do it and often push us aside, instead of empowering survivor run organizations so that our doors and programs can stay wide open.  As survivors, once victims are still fighting for their lives, fighting to show victims coming out that there is life after death! And that the hard work of survivors fighting for our lives to save others and bring a profound "neck down" awareness (which is a term I have coined about  my experience that was given to me by my mentor Barbara A Perkins) that  - all that we do is supported and appreciated by those that actually call themselves advocates for survivors and victims of human-trafficking.

You see,  discrimination and a lack of understanding has been the reason it is as bad as it is anyway. The fact that rape is the number 3 crime in America and less than a few percent convictions in the states and over 85% not getting past the front desk of officers is a problem. That is often do to discrimination and a major lack of understanding. 

It is what happens to a victim on an emotional, mental and physical level when a first responder or officer doesn't see a victim as a victim.  Doesn't understand the stress chemicals and issues of the mind and heart that are plaguing victims, which is why it is hard to get a straight answer from someone under this horrific trauma.  

In addition to just 7 months ago, shucks,  2 weeks ago, people were talking about the "all time highs of teenage prostitution."   Well,  it seems that many are beginning to realize that since sex with a minor is rape and multiple rape at that  - not only of a body, but of a heart and mind, then how could it ever be teenage prostitution. Ugggggg... We have much work to do. 

I applaud those that are doing it with love, not for the business of advocacy but for the earnest idea of justice and the saving and renewing of lives that are lost and must be found.  I remember, the ugly sick darkness of the brothel, the ill hearted, lost souls that came in and the wicked things that I saw as a young girl. A lifetime, to heal and now a new life to give of that wholeness to others.  

Only with God's love and light will this end and only when men of valor stand and tell their stories and stand in front of those that harm will we as women still be waiting. Waiting for our long lost fathers, brothers, uncles and male counter-parts to arise to this very love and win this battle, for they are one of the biggest answers to this grave problem and it is men who lead in love that will break up this fallow ground. 

This Weeks Quote:

“A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” Maya Angelou
