Love Is The Answer
I'm with you those of you who have reached out and read this in the USA, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Ukraine, France, China, India, Spain, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Canada, Switzerland, Jordan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Slovakia, Romania, Vietnam, The Netherlands, Turkey, Thailand, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Bahrain thank you for reading and allowing this to be part of your healing and awareness journey.
Congratulations to President Barack (which means praise) Obama (which means High Place) on this 19th Day of January and your Inauguration! We are looking to you Mr. President, to help with the grave issue of Modern Slavery and taking a lead in the work we do with victims to survivors right here at home! I look forward to meeting you someday!
Please Support Sports for Freedom! Amazing Group of Heroes!
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Cycle For Freedom Coming 2013 |
There is noway to live a life of freedom and understand how to free others without first recognizing that we are all created equal and always were.
The statistical data of why the psychological healing of victims of human-trafficking is often stunted, is sometimes due to discrimination... With that said - it is in fact true that we never truly look into our own eyes, or our own faces, so why do we discriminate, a myriad of reasons I'm sure? The most we can ever see with our eyes of ourselves is a reflection. A mirror image, a photo. The most we see ourselves is through the eyes of others. Because it is only others that can see us with their bare eyes. Incredible when you think about it. So how do most look at women who are let's say 25, addicted to drugs, selling their body for some pimp, foul, drunk perhaps, unclean at times, foul mouthed? Do we consider that she is brokenhearted, that she got there at 12 years old. Or 10? Maybe she or he began being raped or molested by a family member at 5 or 6 or 7 or 12? How do most view that person? Through the eyes of Love and empathetic understanding or something else?

In the onsite of life and healing it is only Love that wins. Love can only be defined by that which is given without fear.
It is a quandary to be on the end of a life in which I had to experience what I did and know that the answer to healing above all else is love in action when some are still thinking that the answer may lay elsewhere. Love means going to the root of the problem and issues of this abuse; vile human trafficking crippled by the grave fact that it is a human rights issue related to the existence of the evil side of mankind. The polar opposite of Love. And only acknowledging that there must be some root causes and reasons as to why, rape, pedophilia, mental illness, murder, and the likes is far worse than it was 20 years ago.
Outside of murdering someone physically - is the murder of the soul of a person. "Soul-assassination" and that is what this is. Root causes and steps to solutions - how about that fact that the flesh and evil side of man-kind must be quelled by the loving side of man-kind. Balance is only found in knowing this and by knowing God created earth for us to live a life of joy and the balance of what that means which is always centered around honor, wisdom, understanding and of course there's that action again - Love. The ability to care for one another and our planet by the honest truth of the boundaries, and moral compass it takes to understand that the mere playing with fire will cause someone to get burned - sooner or later.
If models sale sexuality in an alluring way from 16 years old and up it is hard to let the world know that sex with a minor is rape. They may know in theory but the carnal mind and the spiritual side of man are different and this is a war of good and bad that has gone on for centuries as what the eyes see and how the brain and heart interpret that is different for everybody. If those who are addicted to pornography think that the images of all of the females they see online are all adults on so called adult sites (18 and up) then they are either lying to themselves or are guilty of ignorance and these days - as in the current day of mass information this would be a hard alibi to even consider.
If a model is dressed in a panties and bra with sexual movements on an average TV commercial after an 8 o'clock showing of any given prime-time show, just to sale panties and bras and if we think as a nation that that is going to in fact create the balance of boundaries needed for a healthy sexual life as it relates to pop-culture, socio-anthropological knowledge of how we develop as people and the gateway to our souls (our eyes) then we might need to rethink whats fun, cool and safe and what might be playing with a little too much fire. In a recent blog I wrote:
"The ole' saying "if you give someone and inch - they'll take a mile" is what has happened in our inability to realize that the open doors above has in part lead so far down the rabbit hole those seemingly adult acts above are not enough anymore. Like an addict after the first hit - they can never get as high again so they have to go further down the rabbit hole to find another trick and pretty soon you are in utter darkness so far from the surface of light it's hard to find your way out and most probably don't try and here in lies human-trafficking because the spirit of greed will always find away to capitalize on transgressions and guilt."
Our brains are not finished developing until we are 24 years old. And our developing commercialized marketing and entertainment to the masses have been drastically changing with each passing decade - not blatantly but in media ads and the likes it is being said all around us that the sexier you are the better you are and the more you will have in life. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with being sexy and gorgeous but elegance is a matter of taste and when the taste goes out at the expense of young minds being able to mature in a way that give them opportunity to grow with grace then we have maybe put too much thought into the bottom line, instead of our posterity (no pun intended). Think about it, that is like pretending that violent video games do not induce violence in children. So how do we look at a 25 year old now. What do our eyes see? Better yet, what will we allow our eyes to see and how will we interpret that which we view - through our own concept of love, or the masses, or will we reach to a higher road, seemingly lost from time to time here of late and challenge ourselves with that angelic-inspired Love that we might remember on the sweet face of the greatest grand-mama that we ever knew.
"With God All things are possible" -Matthew 19:26
This Weeks Quote:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr
"SURVIVOR" (2012)
A Documentary made to share with others that survivors once free, have a right to pursue destiny and dreams. And it has taken me time to even get to this place in the sun where I am whole and I also desire to be a blessing in the lives of other victims and survivors with the God-given goals and gifts that He gives us. It was also made to raise funds for the Above The Noise Life Discovery Program which is underway which is supported by Courtney's House and The Rebecca Project for Human Rights, along with The International Black Women's Public Policy Institute. A film made to show other survivors that when we reach back before the point of impact there were dreams there. Hopes. Perhaps we wanted to, or desire to be a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, a musician, even as a child... The joy of of life are dreams and their fulfillment, especially when they touch the lives of others and when we pursue ours - we live.
"SURVIVOR" (2012)
A Documentary made to share with others that survivors once free, have a right to pursue destiny and dreams. And it has taken me time to even get to this place in the sun where I am whole and I also desire to be a blessing in the lives of other victims and survivors with the God-given goals and gifts that He gives us. It was also made to raise funds for the Above The Noise Life Discovery Program which is underway which is supported by Courtney's House and The Rebecca Project for Human Rights, along with The International Black Women's Public Policy Institute. A film made to show other survivors that when we reach back before the point of impact there were dreams there. Hopes. Perhaps we wanted to, or desire to be a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, a musician, even as a child... The joy of of life are dreams and their fulfillment, especially when they touch the lives of others and when we pursue ours - we live.
I am thankful to our new corporate attorneys. Our part-time drop-in service coming soon the outreach in Florida is done with the help of my friends from Courtney's House. In addition to our collaboration with the Rebecca Project for Human Rights and of course the film tour with The International Black Women's Public Policy Institute and my mentor Barbara Perkins.
Look for my new book coming soon which I am so excited to share my life's journey in ways that I never have and it is meant to inspire us and also the unveiling of my already published book of poetry "To Soar Without Leaving he Ground" which will I will now make affordable in Ibook form and free to those who cannot afford it at the moment. Many thanks to someone I love greatly Dr. Beverly Bam Crawford who recently ordained me in Los Angeles, CA
Please visit me online as always I love to hear from you.
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