Rest - Revive and Thrive

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Resting, Reviving and Thriving; to me is searching and discovering the authentic me. It is Living the life and doing the things I was uniquely designed to do - regardless and in spite of any sabotaging road blocks along the way.

I woke up this morning, prayed and meditated with God, worked out, made an Isagenix IsaLean shake, had a couple calls, did my husbands hair, made a cup of coffee and thought about all of the people who are at the 911 memorial not far from where I live when I'm here and not in Florida or L.A. I thought of the importance of reaching out to others - something I have always dreamed of as a little girl. I thought about all I have come through and how I so long for others to be freed from the bondage issues that plague victims and survivors of sexual violations and other forms of trafficking and abuse.

 I thought about my mentor Barbara Perkins/IBWPPI and the film tour. I thought how not long ago my life (to me) was hopeless. That even though the "Paradigm Shift" I speak about in the documentary had taken place that I was still locating me. I thought,"Man, I'm too old now to achieve anything." It's taken me my whole life to heal and I'm not 22 anymore. I have not created the kind of track record that someone needs to build the kind of restoration home I need to build for the transformation program. It's too late for some of the dreams I've discovered now that I've awakened from darkness and an obscure Identity to knowing who I am and what those dreams are. Stuff that touched my heart when I was 6 and 7 years old, like making great films, writing great books - the kind that touch others in profound ways." How could someone who once felt so dirty ever be clean? I felt like - if I define myself from the soft wrinkles on my forehead to my age - I'm doomed - I better think of something else to do - BUT WHAT ELSE IS THERE BUT OUR DREAMS!!! WHAT ELSE IS THERE THAN WHAT GOD CREATED ME FOR!!! Gosh darn it has taken me all this time to rise from the dirt and snot of a broken life and I will be an elephant's tail if I let, ANYTHING stop me from total WHOLENESS. 


REST - In knowing who you are right now and in God's arms discover who you are born to be.... PERIOD.

REVIVE - All that you know to be true and right for miracles to take place in your life. Because all a miracle is  - is YOU believing something before you can see it  - and by Grace through faith and diligence, believing you have already received it and "you shall have it." EVEN SOUNDNESS OF MIND...

THRIVE  - Because there is nothing left of life in it's truest sense UNLESS you are living to YOUR full potential and providentially ordained path  - REGARDLESS of the bad that has taken place.

"Women gather at the metaphoric Well, together they will find answers to questions and solutions to problems."  Barbara A Perkins Author of "Sisters At The Well" and the series "Seven Little Books on Life Coaching"

"And I know that the best way to say thank you to all those who have done so much for me is to give something back and pass it on to those who will follow us."  Author Terrie Williams of "Black Pain"

That is what it is all about - giving, gathering and loving...

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Love Brook
