Nothing, Nothing, Nothing Can Stop You
Nothing can stop you from living the life you know is yours. The one that you can touch and sense as you close your eyes you see, feel and envision it in your heart.
Nothing can stop you from that life but you. It is true that we are living in an age where a common question doctors ask is "are you anxious?" "Are you feeling anxiety or are you depressed." "Do you feel like life is worth living?" Howbeit that the more they ask the worse it seems to get every year - statistically that is; as the numbers for depression go up and the anti-depressant drugs go out. If you had a dysfunctional upbringing it can get worse and if you add rape or crawling out of a hellhole of sex-slavery - it's toppled exponentially.
So what then? What do I say to the young woman who wrote me the other day to say that she was raped by her father and then her uncle. Her main question was not how she could heal - necessarily. In fact, she seemed upset with herself that she has had a very hard time forgiving them for the repeated abuse. It is obvious to me that she is a very loving individual who now should know that forgiveness is part of her healing and at this point does not mean that she is forgetting the horrific foul wrong that occurred - it just means she will no longer hold that in her body against them in order that she may LIVE above the noise.
As tears pour down my face right now I cry out, I pray out. To you, it was not your fault, do you understand that? To you - who was obviously born with the gift of hyper-sensitivity. It is a gift and often those that possess this become great in their fields as artist, theologians, nurses, writers... But to those who are abused and also possess this gift as well, the psychosis can be even more profound and the abuse harder to bear. However, on the other side of adversity is an equal or greater reward. I could say that it is easy - but honestly it is simply one day at a time. Through prayer, cognitive therapy, loving listening friends, mentors, faith and great hope we do get there and that day is coming for you! We can get to that place where we not only make the paradigm shift and see things completely new and different. But, we can begin to achieve our given destiny, goals and life's purpose, whatever it is!
This weeks quote. "Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."
Bruce Lee
Keep the fire of all you hope for and plan burning bright and Love will meet you there.
"Perfect LOVE cast off fear." 1st John 4:8
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Nothing can stop you from that life but you. It is true that we are living in an age where a common question doctors ask is "are you anxious?" "Are you feeling anxiety or are you depressed." "Do you feel like life is worth living?" Howbeit that the more they ask the worse it seems to get every year - statistically that is; as the numbers for depression go up and the anti-depressant drugs go out. If you had a dysfunctional upbringing it can get worse and if you add rape or crawling out of a hellhole of sex-slavery - it's toppled exponentially.
So what then? What do I say to the young woman who wrote me the other day to say that she was raped by her father and then her uncle. Her main question was not how she could heal - necessarily. In fact, she seemed upset with herself that she has had a very hard time forgiving them for the repeated abuse. It is obvious to me that she is a very loving individual who now should know that forgiveness is part of her healing and at this point does not mean that she is forgetting the horrific foul wrong that occurred - it just means she will no longer hold that in her body against them in order that she may LIVE above the noise.
As tears pour down my face right now I cry out, I pray out. To you, it was not your fault, do you understand that? To you - who was obviously born with the gift of hyper-sensitivity. It is a gift and often those that possess this become great in their fields as artist, theologians, nurses, writers... But to those who are abused and also possess this gift as well, the psychosis can be even more profound and the abuse harder to bear. However, on the other side of adversity is an equal or greater reward. I could say that it is easy - but honestly it is simply one day at a time. Through prayer, cognitive therapy, loving listening friends, mentors, faith and great hope we do get there and that day is coming for you! We can get to that place where we not only make the paradigm shift and see things completely new and different. But, we can begin to achieve our given destiny, goals and life's purpose, whatever it is!
This weeks quote. "Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."
Bruce Lee
Keep the fire of all you hope for and plan burning bright and Love will meet you there.
"Perfect LOVE cast off fear." 1st John 4:8
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