Breaking Off Shackles
Slavery is not what happens when someone steals us into bondage. It's what happens when we remain there.
Yes its true that the effects of "human-trafficking" slavery, human bondage (sexual, domestic workers, and all forms) is devastating. It is also true that the history of slavery is not a new one.
Whether the millions of African slaves (millions dying before arrival and many others tortured and slaughtered for sport while here in the USA and around the globe) brought over in wooden crates to small for human beings, packed in like sardines on boats bigger than the small minded men that drove them or the Jewish Holocaust victims and survivors tortured and enslaved along with others including gypsies, or the millions of slaughtered and enslaved American Indians - It is not new. Slavery is not new.
Nor, are the traumatic effects of slavery on nations, communities, cultures and individuals.
But now, here, in this age and time "we the people" must be new, we must think new and innovative and work together on how we are going to rid of it and be honest about the effects of it on who we are as citizens of our world as we pursue and embrace this gift of life. I also realize that unless we try and have empathy for others by being educated on what really happens to the soul of a man or woman, boy or girl who has been trafficked in any form and/or abused we won't really serve others nor ourselves with love or with support. In earnest we can't really help at all unless we try and understand.
I remember looking at someone and telling them that I was trafficked as a teenager - it was my doctor actually, and he looked at me and said, "you mean you were a prostitute?" This was a month ago.
I sunk, right there before him and he didn't seem to have a clue of what he was saying nor of the pain he was evoking. Did I really have to explain that there is no such thing as "teenage prostitution?" Did I really have to explain that I was snatched into it after being raped and some older people that were complete strangers came in and well... Did I have to share with him that any victim or survivor that shares their story is a point of knowledge and freedom and that-that freedom must and needs to be embraced and fly like a bat out of hell to find it's light; albeit to come out of darkness altogether? I didn't have to explain that and so I chose not to. I chose to walk away with my heart sinking thinking, wow, after all this time he just reminded me of the dirty, shame and guilt that raped victims and trafficked persons feel - EVEN WHEN it is not nor NEVER could be our fault.
If you still feel shackled by others around you or even your own thoughts - at some point and has hard as it is - SCREAM for freedom. Fight for it now and SHAKE off the shackles of bondage that would try and hold you secretly or outwardly in the prison of the past, even if the past is recent. Even if you were just freed or you are assisting and adult or child to get out - know that even they need to understand and to realize that they are still pure, still beautiful, still lovely, still worthy of the life that every human being born has a right to have.
Our Quote this week:
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them. "
----Frederick Douglass
This is how someone is often taken into slavery and often how even if out physically - they still remain there. It is my hope and deep desire that you who have been harmed is free and that others around us realize that to love well means understanding that we all desire freedoms in one form or another and the only way to get there is to realize that freedom is only found in Loving others.
Love Time:
We announce World Wide Distribution with House of Film and we still have our awareness tour with this life saving organization.
Please take out 1 minute and rate our Survivor Campaign while we take this documentary film around the globe and bring awareness to the effects of and what is needed to heal from these abuses. Log On to the link below and sign in with gmail or facebook and rate our IMDB page.
Also LIKE US on Facebook and do this simple act which effects the lives of many... Thank you!!!!
The Best is Yet To Come! Love Brook Where we are putting together what will be one of the most loving and I believe powerful programs and places to heal for others coming out.
Yes its true that the effects of "human-trafficking" slavery, human bondage (sexual, domestic workers, and all forms) is devastating. It is also true that the history of slavery is not a new one.
Whether the millions of African slaves (millions dying before arrival and many others tortured and slaughtered for sport while here in the USA and around the globe) brought over in wooden crates to small for human beings, packed in like sardines on boats bigger than the small minded men that drove them or the Jewish Holocaust victims and survivors tortured and enslaved along with others including gypsies, or the millions of slaughtered and enslaved American Indians - It is not new. Slavery is not new.
Nor, are the traumatic effects of slavery on nations, communities, cultures and individuals.
But now, here, in this age and time "we the people" must be new, we must think new and innovative and work together on how we are going to rid of it and be honest about the effects of it on who we are as citizens of our world as we pursue and embrace this gift of life. I also realize that unless we try and have empathy for others by being educated on what really happens to the soul of a man or woman, boy or girl who has been trafficked in any form and/or abused we won't really serve others nor ourselves with love or with support. In earnest we can't really help at all unless we try and understand.
I remember looking at someone and telling them that I was trafficked as a teenager - it was my doctor actually, and he looked at me and said, "you mean you were a prostitute?" This was a month ago.
I sunk, right there before him and he didn't seem to have a clue of what he was saying nor of the pain he was evoking. Did I really have to explain that there is no such thing as "teenage prostitution?" Did I really have to explain that I was snatched into it after being raped and some older people that were complete strangers came in and well... Did I have to share with him that any victim or survivor that shares their story is a point of knowledge and freedom and that-that freedom must and needs to be embraced and fly like a bat out of hell to find it's light; albeit to come out of darkness altogether? I didn't have to explain that and so I chose not to. I chose to walk away with my heart sinking thinking, wow, after all this time he just reminded me of the dirty, shame and guilt that raped victims and trafficked persons feel - EVEN WHEN it is not nor NEVER could be our fault.
If you still feel shackled by others around you or even your own thoughts - at some point and has hard as it is - SCREAM for freedom. Fight for it now and SHAKE off the shackles of bondage that would try and hold you secretly or outwardly in the prison of the past, even if the past is recent. Even if you were just freed or you are assisting and adult or child to get out - know that even they need to understand and to realize that they are still pure, still beautiful, still lovely, still worthy of the life that every human being born has a right to have.
Our Quote this week:
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them. "
----Frederick Douglass
This is how someone is often taken into slavery and often how even if out physically - they still remain there. It is my hope and deep desire that you who have been harmed is free and that others around us realize that to love well means understanding that we all desire freedoms in one form or another and the only way to get there is to realize that freedom is only found in Loving others.
Love Time:
We announce World Wide Distribution with House of Film and we still have our awareness tour with this life saving organization.
Please take out 1 minute and rate our Survivor Campaign while we take this documentary film around the globe and bring awareness to the effects of and what is needed to heal from these abuses. Log On to the link below and sign in with gmail or facebook and rate our IMDB page.
Also LIKE US on Facebook and do this simple act which effects the lives of many... Thank you!!!!
The Best is Yet To Come! Love Brook Where we are putting together what will be one of the most loving and I believe powerful programs and places to heal for others coming out.
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