Loving You. June 8-14

Loving You... Is an important step to life's springs of emotional wealth, probably the most important. It is also the doorway to being able to receive love from others, as a matter of fact we cannot truly receive or understand love if we don't love ourselves.

Do not hate yourself. I guess this may seem harsh to some. But when it comes to self there are no "gray" areas. You either do (love yourself) or you don't.

This, loving you effects 'everything we do in life, including how we see our futures, our potential, how we see others and the world around us as well as our part in it.

Because I once operated out of brokenness - I obviously went through a long period of self-loathing. I mean come on,  when what other people think or say about us sends us into a state of panic or depression we are operating out of brokenness. Whether we are narcissistic or operating out of zero confidence (low-selfesteem) it is still the realm of the 'ego' the realm of self-focus and in life  - self focus unlike self-love will get us into trouble.

Unfortunately or not there will be many people that do not like us, but I have in my life learned so much from enemies, and those that did not understand me and this has taught me not to judge others but love them in spite of, however, this does not mean that we have to be their best friend.

Life is full of choices and each moment we breath we are making hundreds of them. Our lives today are a culmination of the choices we have made and the crossroads we have walked through.

I once thought that it was too late for me. That because of bad choices made out of a broken heart because of what I went through - I thought that I lost time and opportunities that would never come again, I beat myself up. But, that of course is not true.  Destiny is often intertwined with harsh times. Not because it is suppose to be but because in life bad things happen.

To those of you who have been beaten down by rape, abuse, sex-slavery, fatherless homes, bad relationships with moms and the likes may have been hurt deeply and these damaging experiences have a way of remaining in our subconscious but it is very possible to re-excavate our soul from past hurts thus our hearts which in the Greek literally means, "the mind."

The good news is, it is possible to rewire our brains to operate out and from a point of victory regardless of the emotional damage that has taken place and this is my hope. Here is a quote from neuro-scientist, a thirty year veteran of brain study, Dr. Caroline Leaf.

"Did you know you can think yourself into being filled with joy? It’s true. You can also think yourself into being calm, clever, healthy, emotionally in control, and free of stress. The mind is such a complex and intricate organ that many people don’t realize how easily adaptable it is. You can actually learn to control your thought life and, consequently, your emotions, attitudes and behavior, ultimately leading to feeling and living better. How is this possible? Believe it or not, every thought you think is electrically and chemically represented in your brain. If a thought is healthy, it releases healthy chemicals whenever it is referenced. If it is a toxic thought, it releases toxic chemicals when it is referenced. That’s great news if you have nothing but good, healthy thoughts. But most of us have at least one area of thought that could use some attention." Dr. Caroline Leaf; https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=125540930795166    2012.

Love Yourself. Love You. When you do this you will radiate the confidence that only comes in resting in the power that you were born with. You were born for greatness regardless if you know this or not, Believe it. Do not trust your emotions -  trust the truth - that you have a God-given right to possess wholeness in every way. I did, it took a while and I work on it everyday, yes it does take work, but it's fun. Here's to life and here's to you! Cheers and celebration of all that is to come, for you, to you and more importantly through you.   Love Brook Bello


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