Coming Out of Anguish by Knowing the Truth


Coming out of Anguish does not have to be a secret when we embrace the truth of where we've been and where we know by Faith we are going.

  • It is a bit of a quandary to be dressed for where you are going and desire to go in life and be doubled over, crouched in a corner, chair, sofa or elsewhere with a secret anguish that comes in like a ton of bricks and tries to tell you that you are not worthy. Thoughts of suicide, getting high, running away again  - and again - and again... Screech... @##^$^%..... No way. (p.s I was not cursing but simply speaking with passion).

Are we worthy to be counted amongst the accomplished, successful beautiful people? But who determines beauty and who determines success? This my survivor friends is the question. Is it the media mogul of entertainment of the gross national product of whatever - and the way that men (and we've allowed it) say what is pretty and what is not, what is virginal and what is not, what is success and what is not?

I had to let the anguish go! But I am unafraid to say that it was God and my faith that is the biggest part of my healing. The cognitive therapy was also needed and sometimes still is - it is an exceptional counsel in boundaries that we once sexually violate victimized children did not learn because we were learning that we were worth nothing, good for nothing, throwaway, soul assassinated sex toys in our little baby virginal wombs ranging these days from 3 years old and up - not to mention all of the boy anal cavities that are also pillaged and raped from an average age of 5 and up for the soul (not a type o) purpose of the sick pleasure of a pedophile beast disguised as a man in a suit and tie, often with a family photo in his wallet and a college ring on his finger.

Look, we cannot tow the line if we are to heal the world of Modern Day Slavery. We can act like the degradation of women and now children is okay. You see, behind the scenes it may look like women on the surface but after the years of playing soft porn, pornography, sliding down poles with the cracks of once innocent butts in the air, legalized prostitution, and the notion that we in our society called it teenage prostitution ever is ridiculousness, do no let me get started with the hiring of such in Vegas, Dubai, Atlanta, Los Angeles, for bachelor parties and whatever rave, raves. And really, even adult women who are scared into saying yes were often once lost broken children who grew up into this by the designs of the perpetrators that formed them. Not to mention, in the fifties men like full figured around, now its so skinny and child like... Yet we have played into this ugly game when the most beautiful people on the planet will always be those that know and love who they are authentically. See, love and truth, trump craziness any day of the week or it should. "The ole' saying "if you give someone and inch - they'll take a mile" is what has happened in our inability to realize that the open doors above has in part lead so far down the rabbit hole those seemingly adult acts above are not enough anymore. Like an addict after the first hit - they can never get as high again so they have to go further down the rabbit hole to find another trick and pretty soon you are in utter darkness so far from the surface of light it's hard to find your way out and most probably don't try and here in lies human-trafficking because the spirit of greed will always find away to capitalize on transgressions and guilt."

This Weeks Quotes:
You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
-Mark Twain

Be authentic and shape your life based on the deep and profound seemingly unattainable dreams of wholeness, and success with your life and don't look back but to pull from the arsenal of experience and move forward.

Hebrews 11:1Darby Translation 11 Now faith is [the] substantiating of things hoped for, [the] conviction of things not seen. Don't get out of line - keep your place and pace because things will get better! 

The world around us cannot define who we are because we as its caretakers shape our world in the first place.
-Brook Bello
Listen to your heart and let go of all anger and fear. There is no comparison with your abilities and spiritual gifting to another as the beauty in an exotic flower cannot be matched with the next because they all have a unique and needed place in the garden.

"The war on men through the degradation of women" 

He doesn’t recognize that the [creation] of a half woman has contributed to his repressed anger and frustration of feeling he is not enough. He then may love no woman or keep many half women as his prize. He doesn’t recognize that it’s his submersion in the imbalanced warrior culture, where violence is the means of getting respect and power, as the reason he can break the face of the woman who bore him four children. When woman is lost, so is man. The truth is, woman is the window to a man’s heart and a man’s heart is the gateway to his soul.
-Jada Pinkett Smith Check out our site 


  1. Brooke, thank you so much for being in the world and writing. You are spectacular and my inspiration. Love --

    YES: they have to go further down the rabbit whole to find another trick and pretty soon you are in utter darkness so far from the surface of light its hard to find your way out and most probably don't try and here in lies human-trafficking because the spirit of greed will always find away to capitalize on transgressions and guilt.

    1. Thank you Stella for the encouragement to continue! Love Brook


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